
PARKS: The Board Game

Created by Keymaster Games

A game about exploring and discovering the US National Parks. Pre-order today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Accessorizing with a Playmat + Group Pledge Update
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 10:32:17 PM

Hello Hikers

Earlier this week, we announced that, in our pledge manager, we’ll be offering a playmat for PARKS. It’s an accessory we personally love in some of the games we own, so we wanted to make one for a game we created as well! Here are the details for this product to help you decide if it’s right for you!

The PARKS playmat is a 12x30 inch neoprene mat, 2mm thick, with a stitched edge. This accessory is a optional add-on for those of you that enjoy the feel a dedicated playing surface that:

  • Makes picking up cards easier (and therefore protects your cards from chipping due to fingernails)
  • Provides a slightly higher friction surface to prevent cards from shuffling around harder surfaces
  • Is large enough to fit the cards normally on the board, the trail, and the resource Game Trayz onto on space

This product is not designed to fit in the game box. It will be roll-able or fold-able for storage, depending on what you prefer. We really like the sample Panda (our manufacturer) provided us, so rest assured that it’s quality will align with the standard we strive for in all of our products. Below are renderings of both the regular game board and the playmat with components on them to give you an idea of what the mat adds in size.

playmat rendering shows the space around the main board area with room for the resource trays and the trail tiles
playmat rendering shows the space around the main board area with room for the resource trays and the trail tiles
Here is an image of the board for comparison
Here is an image of the board for comparison

We mentioned that our playmat would have a stitched edge. Here is a close up of our sample for reference:

Pricing and Shipping

The Playmat will be sold for $25 and shipping will follow similar pricing to the rest of the add-ons. For example, if you add the mat, a shirt and two extra games, you won't get charged extra add-on shipping in the US, EU, CA, AUS, NZ, and parts of Asia. We will be partnering with Quartermaster Logistics for fulfillment of PARKS and will work with them to get the playmats shipped safely.

Playmats are available for those managing large pledges. Their shipping will be calculated/included along with other add-ons.

Retailer Pledges

We don't have plans to distribute playmats via retail for the initial print run, but if any retailers want to order some, that can add packs of 6 to their orders at wholesale (see BackerKit for cost details). They will ship at no additional charge to the regions already noted on the campaign page.

Note about Pledge Manager

You’re not missing anything if you cannot access Backerkit or haven’t received an email yet. No one has received the link to their pledge manager yet. There are two accounting things that have to happen before they can be sent out. We're almost there!

Group Pledge Update

For those who had questions about the Group Pledge update we provided in the previous update, sorry for the confusion. Here's an attempt to simplify what you need to know. When you receive your survey link, the first question you will be asked is to confirm your pledge tier.

If your order will contain 5 or less games, you should continue into your survey with the pledge tier assigned to you.

If your order will contain 6 or more games, you should switch to the Group Pledge tier from the drop down menu before continuing. This will automatically fill your order with a half case (6 games). Additionally, this will give you access to a 10% discount on any additional games you add to your order.

Click "switch your pledge level" to access the Group Pledge Level option
Click "switch your pledge level" to access the Group Pledge Level option

If you have any additional questions about any of this information, please don't hesitate to message us directly on Kickstarter. If your questions are cost related, consider waiting until you see your Backerkit survey so that we can provide answers that directly relate to your orders.

  • The Keymaster Team


The Pledge Manager Trail Map: A guide to getting your stuff
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 01:41:07 AM

Hello Hikers

This update contains directions for claiming your copy of PARKS as well as important dates you should to be aware of. It is organized into four parts:

1) Backer Kit Surveys

2) Important Dates

3) Neoprene Playmat - Pledge Manager Stretch Goal

4) Specific instructions for group and retailer pledges

For those of you new to BackerKit Surveys

Now that the Kickstarter campaign has closed and Kickstarter has collected your pledge, we need to know where to send your reward! That is where BackerKit comes in. BackerKit is a web store and survey tool in which you can purchase additional items, pay for shipping, and give us your address. You will be sent an email later this week with the subject line "Response Needed -- Get your reward for PARKS: The Board Game".  This email will contain a unique link to your pledge manager. Once you open your link, follow the instructions on each page. As an overview, you'll complete the following:

  • Confirm (or switch) your pledge level. 
  • Answer a few survey questions.
  • Add more items to your order. Note - your shipping charge will be in your cart when you get to the add-on store. Your base shipping will be labeled as "pledge shipping". The cost of any add-ons will be listed under the Add-ons section and Add-on shipping will be listed separately in the shipping total section.   
  • Enter your shipping address. Note - if you know you are going to move before August, just enter the address associated with your credit card and we will remind you in June to update your shipping address to your new location. 
  • Enter payment details and confirm your order.

Once you've confirmed your order, you are all set! If you want to add more add-ons, change your card, or update your address, you can log back into BackerKit until the dates listed below.

Important Dates

Backerkit surveys will be sent out in waves this week. The below dates are tentative and apply to everyone except retailers. At our discretion, we might extend deadlines, but we will not move up any of these dates. 

  •  Until 4/1 - Extra Kickstarter Exclusive Copies of PARKS available. After this date, all extra copies will be retail copies. NO EXCEPTIONS. 
  •  4/30 - All orders will be locked and cards charged. Note - If you want us to lock your order/charge your card before this date (for budgeting purposes), just send us a message on Kickstarter, or email [email protected] 
  •  7/1- Addresses lock - this is very tentative as it is dependent on the production/shipping schedule.

Neoprene Playmat $25 - "Pledge Manager Stretch Goal"

Surprise! In addition to the add-ons revealed during the campaign, we've added an 12 x 30 neoprene playmat with a stitched edge. The main benefits of a playmat are:

  • You will have an easier time picking up cards (and therefore protecting your cards from chipping due to fingernails)
  • Provides a slightly higher friction surface to prevent cards from shuffling around harder surfaces
  • It will provide enough room for the cards normally on the board, the trail, and the resource Game Trayz (The playmat is still being designed)

Here is the twist, this add-on will only be unlocked if enough people order it.  We need 80 backers by 4/1 to order a playmat before we decide to manufacture these. If you want one, add it to your order! If we don't reach the minimum quantity, it will be automatically removed from your cart and you will not be charged. If we do reach the minimum, then you will be the proud owner of Keymaster's first playmat.

***80 Backer orders by 4/1 = We make playmats***


First, thanks so much for partnering with us! This is our first go at a retailer pledge and we've already received a ton of feedback on how to improve. Jennifer - our Marketing Director with whom you've been communicate for the last month - was formerly a FLGS owner and is bringing that perspective to the team as we make decisions regarding our retail partnerships. She is also keeping a pulse on the conversations happening across social media and other forums. If you have any further feedback or questions, we can be reached at [email protected]. Now on to the logistics:

We have reduced the "cost" of the retailer pledge to $0 and added a $30 credit to your pledge (for your free demo copy). That means when you get to the add-on section, you will have nothing in your cart and credit equal to your Kickstarter pledge + $30. You are given the option of ordering half cases (6 games) and full cases (12 games) of PARKS and Bricks (12 decks) of Playing Cards. Kickstarter Exclusive copies of PARKS will only be available until 4/1. After that, any cases you order will be retail versions of the game.

We ask that you lock your order by the 4/30 date above, but unlike the above, we will not charge you until at least 6/1 or the approximate date the games leave the factory, whichever is later.

Going forward, you can expect us to communicate with you via email. We will be using the emails attached to your orders to route all future communication. If you want to use a different email than the one associated with your kickstarter account, please email [email protected].

We will also be sending out a survey to collect your resellers certificate (or applicable seller's documentation), physical store address, and to cover some legal agreements e.g. commitment to not sell online before the retail launch date and repercussions of doing so. If we don't have a survey from you by the lock date, then we will not ship your order and you run the risk of losing your deposit.

Group Pledge Tier

If the number of games your group wants is not an exact multiple of 6, then you do not need to use the "Group Pledge tier" in BackerKit or read this section.

We have added a group pledge tier for those of you who want to order games in multiples of 6 (i.e. half cases). This reward tier removes all "base rewards" from your order cart (without removing your Kickstarter pledge amount), so you can order by the case/half case without incurring extra shipping charges associated with individual game orders. If you have questions once you get into your order, contact [email protected].

Behind the curtain

Here are some fun images and peeks behind the curtain while we finish up the digital assets for the game.

Mattox is putting some final touches on the Park Cards and adding the park facts and states at the bottom
Mattox is putting some final touches on the Park Cards and adding the park facts and states at the bottom
Check out these sample wildlife tokens we recieved last week. We're really digging the way the natural  stain looks on them!
Check out these sample wildlife tokens we recieved last week. We're really digging the way the natural stain looks on them!
Getting in some final testing of year cards in multiplayer and solo mode
Getting in some final testing of year cards in multiplayer and solo mode
  • The Keymaster Team


almost 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:49:18 PM


9,781 Backers

419,675 Dollars

AND, most importantly, an unquantifiable amount of love and support!

Remember, keep an eye out for those pledge manager emails from Backerkit.

For now, CELEBRATE!!!

  • The Keymaster Team


Any Way the Wind Blows!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 07:22:23 PM

Hello Hikers

It's hard to believe we are reaching the end of this incredible campaign. We are so grateful for and humbled by everyone's support! We had a great weekend celebrating gaming and this game with Tantrum House at TantrumCon. Tons of people came by to demo and play PARKS and the feedback was amazing!

Here’s What’s Next For Us!

We have been hard at work on the digital files for the game throughout the campaign. Our manufacturer, Panda, is getting us corrections so we can make the necessary adjustments and get to print as soon as possible. We're also building the pledge manager as we speak. It'll take a little time to get everything correct so you can expect to see communication about that opening up by March 4th.

Here’s What’s Next For You!

After the campaign ends, you will receive an email from us and Backerkit inviting you to complete your order in the pledge manager. Again, from above, you can expect to see this by March 4th. You’ll be able to add additional games and playing cards to your order, maybe a t-shirt if you’re into those kinds of things, and then finalize your shipping address and payment.

Here’s the important part: if you do not complete your order in Backerkit, we cannot ship you your stuff! We want everyone to get their stuff :)

What About Other Keymaster Games?

All of our other products are either immediately available or available for pre-order right now.

Caper and Space Park - Are both available through local game retailers and online right now. You could be playing them right now!

Campy Creatures and Control - Are both being reprinted and are available for pre-order at  If you want those games you may want to pre-order them separately as they will arrive before PARKS. Both of these games should also arrive in retail before PARKS fulfills, so if you're looking for bundling options, you may want to reach out to your FLGS and ask about pre-ordering.

Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series

We know you're LOVING the artwork you see, so be sure to subscribe and follow Fifty-Nine Parks! They are consistently adding beautiful new works for people to view and enjoy. Support them and their work! They are helping celebrate the inspiring wilds. They’ve certainly inspired us!

  • The Keymaster Team


PARKS Retailer Update: Pricing and Playing Cards
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:09:38 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.