
PARKS: The Board Game

Created by Keymaster Games

A game about exploring and discovering the US National Parks. Pre-order today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PARKS on a Boat
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 02:03:51 AM

Hello Hikers

PARKS left China this week! Below are the boat details for those that want to track the games' movement from port to port.

US-bound vessel: CONTI CONQUEST 001E

EU-bound vessel: MSC BERYL 927W

AUS-bound vessel: XIN QING DAO

As long as there are no delays on the seas or at these ports, the games should arrive at all fulfillment centers by the middle of August and should begin shipping out to backers by month end. There are a lot of things that can change this like customs, delays on the ocean, an entire continent taking August off (I am looking at you, Europe), and other Kickstarter games arriving at our fulfillment partners before PARKS.

Addresses Locking July 30

All that said, we know a lot of backers move in the late summer months or , so we're going to extend the address lockdown date to the end of July. This should give folks a little extra time to give the most accurate address they can. If you're moving soon or just recently moved, please be sure to go into your Backerkit Survey and update your shipping address. If you need help for any reason, you can reach out to us via Kickstarter Messages or email ([email protected]).


Keymaster's next stop is GenCon. We're always excited to meet and chat with folks so if you're attending the convention, you can find us at Booth 2219. Henry Audubon, the designer of PARKS and Space Park, will be spending some time with us during the convention if you'd like to meet him, as well as Josh Emrich, artist behind Campy Creatures.

We're also excited to co-host a Tap Take-Over with Bottle Logic Brewing at Tappers Arcade Bar. We'll be there Friday, August 2nd. You can find event details here.

Henry Audubon was recently interviewed by Love Thy Nerd's Human's of Gaming Podcast. Here's the link to that too if you want to give it a listen.

And lastly (for now), here are some pictures of one of the advanced copies of the game! This copy is not a KS copy, so you won't see the sleeve or the postcard included.

- The Keymaster Team


Packing Things Up at Panda
over 5 years ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 12:24:53 AM

Hello Hikers

Since our last update, there's been a lot of progress with PARKS. Panda has been hard at work and PARKS manufacturing is wrapping up. That means the games are almost all packaged and they're about to get on the boats that will take them to their fulfillment destinations! Here's what the next steps look like for your games:

  • Your games get packed into boxes and containers
  • They are loaded onto boats in China and will ship out to fulfillment ports, usually taking between 4-6 weeks to reach theses ports
  • From port, they ship to fulfillment and then fulfillment readies and ships out the products to you!

So we're right on track for fulfillment of PARKS to happen in August. And if you're picking up your game at GenCon, those are all set to arrive safely as well.

Locking Addresses

Once the games get on the boats and to sail to their ports, you can expect us to lock addresses in the pledge manager. Locking addresses helps us ensure that we are giving accurate information to the fulfillment centers to prevent delays in any games arriving. If you need to update your listed address in Backerkit you should look at doing so soon. You can access and edit your shipping address by logging back into You can also access it through the confirmation email provided by Backerkit with your completed order. If you need any help, please send us a message via Kickstarter Messages.

We will lock addresses on: July 15th

Final Rulebook

Here's a PDF of the final rulebook! Towards the end, you'll find a complete list of artists, whose artwork is used in the game. We highly recommend checking out their other work, as all of these artists have done incredible projects. Their work brings joy to our social media feeds every day! We’ve linked a copy of it here:


Origins Game Fair

Matt and Mattox will be showing off Mass-Production Copies (MPCs) PARKS at Origins this weekend. If you're at Origins, you can game it up with them Thursday-Saturday 4:30-6pm in the Open Gaming Room. If you're not at the convention this weekend you can catch PARKS hitting the table via social media. Follow @KeymasterGames on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

- The Keymaster Team


Locking Orders Today
over 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 03:08:40 AM

Hello Hikers

Happy May Day! Just sending out a really quick note to remind everyone that we are locking orders in Backerkit TODAY.

If you're still thinking about that playmat or an extra copy of PARKS, today is your last chance!

You should see a charge from 'Stripe' to the card you input into Backerkit for shipping and extra items you added in the pledge manager. If there are any issues with card errors, Backerkit will send you a follow up email, so be sure to open any emails from BackerKit.

Shipping Addresses

You might be moving this summer? You will still be able to edit your address should any changes arise between now and the game heading to fulfillment. There will be a separate message sent about addresses getting locked down later in the summer.

In the mean time, enjoy those May flowers!

- The Keymaster Team


Pre-Production Copy, Just in Time for National Parks Week
over 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 01:26:38 AM

Hello Hikers

Happy National Parks Week! With Spring finally sprung around most of the US, we hope this week really kickstarts your outdoor adventures for the years, if it hasn't already! So many of you have reached out to mention your close proximity to several national parks. We hope PARKS inspires you to get out there to explore.

Pre-Production Copy (PPC)

We received the PPC from Panda at the end of last week and got straight to work doing an unboxing video for you all to see. The PPC helps us dial in and fine tune how the final product will look, so you'll hear Kyle making some notes of things that need to be tweaked in the video.

There are 3 things you will not see in the video: the Game Trays, metallic ink, and the rulebook. Those are all being finalized separately from this PPC.

Kyle, Mattox, and friends also had the chance to do a play through with the PPC last night. We decided to record it to share rather than doing a livestream this time. You can watch that game below, and it will be public on Youtube. If you have any questions while you watch the video, you can post comments below or in the video comments and we'll get back to you.


Some of you asked about a container solution for the playmat, so we worked with Panda on some options. We're happy to say the playmat will be packaged in a plastic tube, easy to stand on it's end and tuck neatly next to the game. Below is a picture of the sample tube Panda sent us:

Backerkit - May 1st Lock Date

We've added several of our other games to BackerKit, so if you were looking to pick up any of our other games, you can now add them to your order. Just follow this link to find and edit your order.

Additionally, We are will be locking and charging orders May 1. Surveys and orders not completed by the May 1st deadline might be subject to delays in fulfillment.

As always, if you have any questions about any details here or in general, don't hesitate to reach out!

- The Keymaster Team


Trail Journal - Day 40: Add-ons, Gen Con Pickup, and Production update
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 01:41:34 AM

Hello Hikers!

Spring has arrived in Georgia and we at Keymaster couldn't be more excited about what this next season holds. It's been almost 40 days since the end of the PARKS campaign, but we've been moving down the path of getting games into your hands! That said, we wanted to share some stats from the pledge manager.

1) 89% of our surveys are complete! Thanks to those of you that have completed your surveys.

2) 26% of backers purchased add-ons! Collectively you've added 1700 (!!!) playmats, 850 decks of playing cards, 1800 additional games, and donated $1,859 to the National Park Service. There is still time to get in on the add-itional fun! See below for info.

What's Next

Monday, April 1st, we will stop accepting orders for the KS Exclusive Edition of PARKS. Any game add-ons you purchase after Monday will ship as the retail version of the game. This only impacts add-ons. All pledge copies will include the KS-exclusive. 

We are planning to do a full play-through in the office with the Pre-Production Copy (PPC) of PARKS once we receive it later in April. We will do this on Facebook Live. Consider liking our page so you will be notified when that live-stream happens and so you can stay up to date on other happens!

We will be locking orders and charging cards for shipping and add-ons on April 30th. As we've said before, send us a Kickstarter message or an email to [email protected] if you'd like us to lock your order and charge your card early.

GenCon 2019 Pickup

Some of you have asked about Gen Con pick up. If you would like to pick up your copy of PARKS at Gen Con, please fill out this form. We'll keep the form open until April 30th.

Production Progress

Now onto the fun news! Mattox finished the digital files for PARKS. This means we'll be receiving a Pre-Production Copy (PPC) in the next couple of weeks. Like we mentioned above, we'll plan to do a live stream with this PPC once we have it on hand. It won't be perfect, but it will give a great idea of how the game is going to look and feel. We're so excited for this stage, where you get to see the real things we've been hard at work on creating. Speaking of which, here is the latest round of wooden samples we got from Panda. They aren't perfect, but that is why we do multiple rounds of samples!

We'll be looking over the copy and providing feedback to Panda. Once we're comfortable with any changes that need to be made, the next step will be setting up for mass production, and after...well you know how it, then trucks, then warehouses, then you! Right now, we are on track for August fulfillment.

- The Keymaster Team
